Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tampa Pro.

If you are going to watch any skate contest at all this year this is the one to watch, it's not on MTV or ESPN or ABC and it doesn't have a million dollar prize but it is easily the best one out there, also who cares about big corporate conglomerates sponsoring a skate event (that has never been what it is about, maybe it is a perk to the winners but that is about it)... The guys at Skatepark of Tampa kill it, end of story, There is a reason that all of the best pros skate this contest. Guys who you don't see at every Dew Tour stop or even any other contest in general; Brian Anderson, Koston, Dave Bachinsky, Austyn Gillette, and so many others. If I were you I wouldn't miss it. Click the link to Skatepark of Tampa and there will be a link tomorrow to a live webcast starting at 1pm (I believe) so check it out and find out why this is the best contest out there.

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