Saturday, July 16, 2011

Highwaymen: ELSH.

About a week ago Al and Mikey from El Scarehouse packed up for a cross-country journey with no return date. They've been making their way through the northern route through Michigan, Chicago, Wisconsin, and the like.

Here is Al with a frontside grind on what looks like some nice pool coping.

Mikey with a backside boardslide clinic at a park with some nice hand-poured pool coping. Looks soo fun.

Apparently some hot girl that they came across in their travels. Always makes for a photo.

Mikey is stoked on the hot girl and on the hot dogs in Chicago. Check El Scarehouse daily for the updates on their travels and random shenanigans and skateboarding along the way. Also, here at the shop we have two ELSH beanies left over, get 'em while they're hot!

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