There is still a couple days left to vote for your favorite Wu-Tang member on the Nashua Blog so if you haven't yet please do the right thing and VOTE FOR OLD DIRTY BASTARD!
The text below was stolen from Crailtap.com
After all my years dealing with skateboarders, filming skateboarders, reading about skateboarders, befriending skateboarders, working for skateboarders, and working at Skateboarder, it is my estimation that there really, truly, is only one question worth asking skateboarders. And here it is: Who's your favorite member of Wu-Tang?
And with that we bring you:
Their Favorite Member of the Mighty Wu-Tang!
Mike "ACP" Carroll: Ol' Dirty
Because, after all, who doesn't want to know that shit?
the "right" thing is to vote for gza.
it was his band and he also taught
all them how to rap. crumbs!
the "right" thing to do is vote
for gza. it was his band and he also taught
them all how to rap. crumbs!
Oh, let me post the same thing again.
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